BY-LAWS of the Electric Vehicle Association

of Greater Washington, D.C.

Purpose Clause

   The Electric Vehicle Association of Greater Washington, D.C. (EVA/DC) is a non-profit organization of individuals (not a trade association) who share an interest in electric automobiles generally

By encouraging one another’s efforts in their individual areas of interest, members seek:.

-to educate the public at large, through a variety of forums, of the relative advantages of electric vehicles and noteworthy developments in the field;

-to act as a clearinghouse, for members and other organizations of information related to the electric vehicle, including technical, scientific and legal developments, and practical and theoretical knowledge;

-to foster the development of roadworthy, practical and desirable electric vehicles;

-to promote the use of such vehicles wherever practical, especially where their relative cleanliness and energy efficiency make them the most attractive choice;

-and to remove unnecessary and unreasonable obstacles to the safe operation of such vehicles on public ways.

 Governance Clause

 The elected officers of the club and their duties shall be as follow:

President: conduct of regular and officers’ meetings, reporting to the regular membership the results of officers’ meetings, appointing ad hoc committees, and conduct of the day-to-day affairs of the club.

Vice President:  assists the President in his duties, acts in his stead when necessary, and chairs the standing membership committee.

Treasurer: manage association accounts, collect and record membership dues, pay EAA dues, disburse funds to association officers and committees for their approved activities, prepare financial reports, and chair the standing funds committee.

Secretary: to record significant proceedings of regular meetings, to maintain a membership roster, to assist with club correspondence to manage absentee  voting, to work with the membership committee in publicizing the club and its activities, and to chair the standing information committee.

Editor: shall publish the monthly newsletter, including notices as directed by other officers, shall solicit appropriate articles from within and outside the club, and organize the publication of other periodic or topical literature as interest warrants.

 Membership Clause

 i)     EVA/DC shall be a chapter of the Electric Auto Association (EAA)

ii)    Full members of EVA/DC will be full members of EAA, enjoying the voting, mailing and membership privileges of both.

iii)  Full time students will be offered full membership at a reduced rate.

iv)   Associate members of EVA/DC are subscribers to the newsletter .only; they have no other membership privileges. Through EVA/DC they may also become associate members of EAA at their option and additional cost.

v)     Dues for full, student, and associate members are for full calendar years, from the first to the last day of the year, and will not change during the calendar year. Those who join during the year pay pro-rated dues from the beginning of the next quarter, at which time they become past-due.

Operational Clause

 i)    A vote is carried by a simple majority except:  a) when abstentions combined with nays outnumber the ayes; b) when the issue at vote is both “fundamental” and “controversial”, but less than 1/3 of the active membership is represented bodily or by ballot; or c) when there are more than two candidates for an office, the greatest plurality wins. An issue is “fundamental” if it would add to or vary from these bylaws. An issue is “controversial” if at least 25% of those present object.

ii)    In the conduct of regular meetings, the president shall call upon the officers and ad hoc committee heads to make reports, after which comments and motions may be made by the membership. Members shall speak in turn and recognize the moderator, who is the president or the president’s designate.

iii)   It is the sense of the association that full membership, beyond paying dues and attending meetings, entails participation in the workings of the group. In joining, members recognize an obligation to contribute a fair share of service, according to their varied abilities and within the needs of the club.

 Approved at meeting of October 13, 1980